T.3 Fuentes de innovación

3.1 ¿De donde vienen las innovaciones? / 3.1 Where does innovation come from?

Where good ideas come from? Steven Johnson. TED
Where does innovation come from? Stefanie Stantcheva. Harvard University. CEPR
4 simple ways to have a great idea. Richard St. John. TED
The Explainer: Solving Problems by Starting with the Worst Idea Possible. Harvard Business review

Artículos y documentos

García Manjón (2019). Cómo detectar oportunidades de innovación para tu organización. (Accede)

Levitt, T. (2002). Creativity is not enough. Harvard business review, 80, 137-144. (Accede

3.2 Fuentes internas: recursos y capacidades / 3.2 Internal sources: resources and capabilities of the firm

Learning organizations.
The role of design in innovation. Design Council.
Netflix treats its employees like adults, that’s what gets speed and innovation going.Erin Mayer. France 24.
Google’s Principles of Innovation: How we create, launch, and iterate. Google Cloud.

Artículos y documentos

The 5 Types Of Innovation For The Future Of Work, Pt. 1: Employee Innovation. Jacob Morgan. Forbes.  (Accede)

Marvin (1993) Building a learning organization. Harvard Business Review. (Accede

3.3 Fuentes externas: entorno y mercado / 1.3 External sources: market and environment  

Measuring and Managing Supplier Innovation. CAPS Research
What is user innovation? Eric von Hippel
How the GoPro was invented. MIT innovation stories
How covid-19 is boosting innovation. The Economist

Artículos y documentos

Von Hippel, E. (2016). Free innovation (p. 240). The MIT Press.  (Accede) Puedes descargar íntegro este libro.

Göβwein et al. (2019) Managing your external supply system for innovation. McKinsey & Company (Accede

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